Application Objective
A manufacturer of water jet cutting equipment in the Manufacturing & Automation Industry has requested help with the development of an induction curing and coating application. Our goal was to demonstrate how we can use induction heating to preheat a stainless-steel cylinder and coat and cure the inner surface wall with a proprietary coating. The client was performing the process by heating the parts in batches in an oven, which takes 6-8 hours for each batch. They wanted to increase their productivity and efficiency by eliminating the conventional oven preheating and switching to induction heating technology. UltraFlex was provided with a stainless-steel cylinder with 3.0” OD (76.5mm), 1.125” ID (28.5mm), 6.8” (172.72mm) length. A very critical factor was to achieve a temperature of 250 °F (121 °C ) on the inside wall, while not exceeding the maximum outside surface temperature of 400 °F (204°C). The heating cycle time was not critical, but the desired heating time was between 30 and 60 sec.
We utilized our UltraHeat W, 15 kW induction heating system with easily adaptable temperature and power settings.
About 10kW of power was applied for approximately 30 seconds until the surface temperature reached 400 F. The induction power supply was then shut off and thermal conductivity transferred heat to the inside surface until it reached 250 F. The whole induction preheating process took 55 seconds to complete.
Industry: Manufacturing & Automation
Read more about other Coating & Curing applications.
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Request information or contact us about this application. Reference info: Application Note 3463-5151