Demonstrate temperature control utilizing an optical pyrometer/controller to heat the top knurled section of a magnetic steel surgical instrument tube to 93°C (200°F) and maintain temperature.
UltraHeat W Series
HS-8 Heat Station
Magnetic stainless steel tube.
Key Parameters
Temperature: 93°C (200°F)
Power: 1.5 kW
Time: 2 seconds
Process Steps:
- The dual temperature pyrometer was sighted on the stainless steel tube to permit the sight lights to focus on the top section of the tube.
- The emmisivitiy was set on the controller at 0.6 for bright stainless steel.
- Power was limited to 10 kW to avoid over-shooting the temperature.
Results and Conclusions:
- Using a temperature controller sighted on the heated end of the stainless steel tube will control the temperature as required.
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