Induction Heating SS cup

To generate plasma, we apply an electrical field to a gas, with the goal of removing electrons from their nuclei. These free-flowing electrons give the plasma key properties, including its electrical conductivity, a magnetic field, and sensitivity to external electromagnetic fields.
In this application test, the customer provided sample parts to be induction heated. Ultraflex needed to demonstrate the feasibility of the UPT-S5 kW system for Induction Heating SS cup for plasma research, by heating the cup to 1350 – 1400 0F (732-760°C) within three minutes.

UltraHeat SM5/200 and HS-4WHS-4 Heat Station

• Stainless steel cup – 1.854” OD, ID – .570”

Key Parameters
Temperature: 1350 – 1400 0F (732-760°C)
Power: 2 kW
Time: 180 seconds


  1. The cap assembly was placed up into the coil from the bottom turn, with 3” set in the long coil (6.250”).
  2. This test demonstrated the feasibility of the system for Induction Heating SS cup for plasma research, by heating to an approximate 1350-14000F within three minutes.


  • Precise control of the time and temperature
  • Power on demand with rapid heat cycles
  • Repeatable process, not operator dependent
  • Safe heating with no open flames
  • Energy efficient heating


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