Keystone SmartPower

Keystone is a growing company which is located in Nazareth, PA. They heat treat various parts for multiple industries including aerospace, defense, automotive and much more. The types of parts they harden differ in sizes depending on what their customer request. All of Keystones induction is completed using the Ultraflex SmartPower system which includes 3 modules (75 kW), however it is able to support 8 modules (200 kW) for when production increases.

“We are extremely pleased with our UltraFlex SmartPower system. The start-up was easy, any questions we had regarding the system were answered right away by the support team.  Previously, we were using a competitor’s system which took 45 minutes to heat treat each part. Now with the SmartPower system it takes 5 minutes per part. The 75% turnover rate has really increased productivity and getting orders out faster. The system has almost eliminated soft spots  and can heat treat an area of a part in seconds rather than minutes. Due to business growth we plan on adding more modules to our SmartPower system this year. We look forward to doing more business with UltraFlex in the future.”

Joe Zavacky, Keystone

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